Tuesday, October 23, 2012

yeah, professional baseball is about my favorite part of corporate capitalism


  1. Baseball is the only team sport where the official don't use whistles.

    Baseball is the only team sport where success is defined by returning to the scorers' starting point. It's circlular rather than linear.

    Baseball is the only team sport where "the ball" doesn't score points.

    Baseball is the only team sport where a player, however talented, can only bat when his turn comes up, and can only field when the ball is hit to him. No one can dominate the game through quantity of play...just his quality of play.

    Baseball is the only team sport played during the summer.

    Baseball is the only team sport played every day.

    Baseball is the only team sport with no clock.

    Baseball is the only team sport without free subsitution.

  2. "It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone."
